Signup for a BEWET Membership

Use the form below to send us an application. Once your Boeing status is verified, we will send you the code to unlock the Member Signup page.

In order to join us on BEWET trips, you must join BEWET! Membership benefits include access to all BEWET member trips and events, free camping at trips that have camping, and ability to get to know the guides and other volunteers that help run the club!

All Boeing employees MUST be a BEWET member to join a trip. After all, we are a Boeing club!

Membership Price: $75

Trip Fee: $25-$35

Any guest(s) that you may chose to bring along for the ride are also cost an additional $15 non-member fee on top of the trip fee. Camping is included in all trips even if you only plan to raft one day.

At the end of the year, we host a banquet to celebrate an awesome season! The banquet is open to ALL members and guests. Banquet costs vary year to year.

Every year

✓ Low Trip Fee ( $25-$35 ) and low guest fee
✓ Free camping!
✓ Access to trips and social events
✓ Safety gear and guide provided
✓ First Aid/CPR Subsidy

Boeing Membership

Boeing employees, interns, retirees, and contractors are eligible. Their spouse and dependent children are also eligible.

Discount is available to Boeing Interns. Mention that you are an intern in the application form to request the discount code.

Members of the club may sign up non-Boeing employees as guests.

Associate Membership

Former Boeing employees, parents/brothers/sisters/non-dependent children of Boeing employees, and non-Boeing individuals that provide a benefit to the club as approved by the executive board are eligible. Their spouse and dependent children are also eligible.

BEWET Membership Application

Please fill out the form below to apply for a BEWET Membership. Once you submit the application, a BEWET representative will send you the code to access the Registration page. This may happen as soon as the same day, but could take a few days.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT use your email when signing up for a membership. Emails with important trip details are often sent outside of working hours and can contain timely information!

Fee Policy

Two fundamental requirements are employed when determining the fee for any BEWET activity or event:

  • Expenses are shared

  • No individual member receives financial gain/compensation for activity/event participation

Expenses generally fall into two categories:

  • Overhead expenses (e.g. equipment storage fees, insurance fees, truck servicing / maintenance fees)

  • Trip operational expenses (e.g. camping fees, club equipment losses / breakages, put-in/take-out fees, BBQ briquettes, club truck gas, equipment rental fees, permit fees)

Overhead expenses are independent of the number of trip participants or the number of trips in a year. Trip operational expenses include consumables that may support several trips when replenished. As such, the actual per person expense share is difficult to calculate for any single trip. Therefore expenses will be amortized across all trips in a single calendar year to determine an appropriate per person trip fee. At the end of the year, excess fees paid are redistributed back to club members. Acceptable means of redistribution are; an end of year function open to all members, and/or maintenance/replacement* of club equipment. No individual members are to receive financial gain or compensation from the redistribution.

*Does not include capital expenditures